Dr. David Ruiter named Faculty Director of the Teaching + Learning Commons
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The Commons plays central role in supporting faculty with remote instruction
UC San Diego's Teaching + Learning Commons consists of six hubs, which offer a wide range of programs, services, and research to assist all members of the UC San Diego community in developing learning environments and experiences that encourage engagement and foster student success.
The Academic Achievement Hub (AAH) partners with students, faculty, and staff on evidence-based academic achievement programs that promote student success, including Supplemental Instruction (SI), content tutoring, learning strategies (metacognitive) tutoring and workshops, and summer success programs.
Academic Achievement Hub

Digital Learning advances teaching and learning excellence and increases access to education on the UC San Diego Campus and beyond using digital technologies.

The Education Research + Assessment Hub provides leadership, guidance, and resources to help faculty and staff conduct solid educational research to identify opportunities and challenges in an evolving higher education landscape and promotes a culture of assessment at UC San Diego.
Education Research + Assessment Hub

The Engaged Teaching Hub promotes student academic success by working with all UC San Diego educators (faculty, lecturers, TAs, IA, postdocs, and others) to integrate evidence-based practices that support teaching and build effective learning environments.
Engaged Teaching Hub

Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning provides opportunities for students to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-world experiences through research, community-engaged learning, global studies, project-based learning, and entrepreneurial pursuits. Find opportunities on the REAL portal, then capture them on your CCR.
Experiential Learning Hub
The Writing Hub works with undergraduate and graduate students—any project, at any stage of the writing process—and promotes writing as a tool for learning.
Writing Hub